Want to go bird watching but don't know where to start? Wild Birds Unlimited is excited to host this FREE introductory walk to birdwatching.

Leading our walk is Dahlia Ippolito. Dahlia is a naturalist, ornithologist, and environmentalist. She studied under many notable professor's at Carleton University such as Ontario-known naturalist Michael Runtz and has joined and led bird walks during her time there. She has been birding for about 8 years, has volunteered at the Innis Point Bird Observatory banding station and works at the Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre which gives her a unique perspective on birds.

Upcoming Walks

Sunday, July 28th - REGISTRATION FULL AS OF JULY 21. Fletcher Wildlife Garden - Click HERE for more details & to register. .

Sunday, August 11th - Fletcher Wildlife Garden - Click HERE for more details & to register.

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